NAVIES WORLDWIDENew independent website about international naval news and background information.

Navies worldwide – over the horizon
Naviesworldwide.com is an independent website about international naval news and background information. Naviesworldwide.com is the English edition of the Dutch website Marineschepen.nl, founded in 2001.

In 1999 HNLMS Walrus ‘torpedoed’ Nimitz class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, plus seven escort ships, during an exercise. An interview with the commanding officer of Walrus in 1999.

Only a few copies of the paperback version of ‘In Deepest Secrecy’ are left, but don’t worry. Amazon, Kobo and many other webshops have unlimited stock of the ebook edition. From Japan to the US, you can read about secret Dutch submarine patrols. In deepest secrecy is about secret Dutch submarine operations during the Cold […]

The basis in a conflict situation is working together, so that together you can achieve more than all separate on their own. Thanks to new technologies, there are many new opportunities in the field of cooperation and Thales is thinking about these new possibilities under the heading of ‘collaborative combat’.

On a daily basis there is news about new weapons, new unmanned systems, new sensors and new platforms. Threats are constantly evolving. But how can a Combat Information Center (CIC), the heart of a warship during operations, handle these new threats in the future? Image: Thales Combat Information Centers (CIC) are slightly different in every […]

Warships years away from home, that sounds like something from the past. It is however also a future possibility. More and more navies are looking at very long deployments, with rotating crews. Some navies have already started doing this. But what does that mean for the ships and the systems? River class OPV HMS Tamar […]

Naval vessels undergo maintenance at regular intervals and are often modernised once during their operational lifetime. But technology and threats are evolving faster and faster, creating threats that didn’t even exist when the ship was built. Thales is thinking about how ships can keep up with this.

Cyber-attacks happen every day and ships are not invulnerable. What does cybersecurity mean for ships?

Dutch frigate HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën has been modernized. Naviesworldwide.com visited the frigate that is working hard towards an important milestone in the participation of the ‘missile shield’ against ballistic missiles: At Sea Demonstration 2021 later this year. That is the focus, but much more has been renewed and changed inside the nearly 20-year-old ship.

Even gigantic submarines are difficult to find, and communication with submarines is almost impossible. The Canadian company Geospectrum Technologies has come up with a solution to these problems.

The Air Defense and Command Frigate HNLMS Evertsen will pay a port visit to Japan with the UK taskgroup, a spokesman for the navy said this morning after questions from Marineschepen.nl/ Naviesworldwide.com. Both the Dutch and British navy do not want to formally confirm whether they will sail through the South China Sea, but different route is very unlikely.